The Conservative PAC For Conservative Candidates

National Journal: Fleming Makes it Official

Rep. John Flem­ing (R-04) of­fi­cially launched his Sen­ate cam­paign Monday with a You­Tube video. His cam­paign web­site is also up. Flem­ing, who has served in the House since 2009, fo­cuses the video on his op­pos­i­tion to Pres­id­ent Obama’s agenda, as well as his mil­it­ary and med­ic­als back­ground.

Speak­ing to the cam­era, Flem­ing says in the video: “I be­lieve Amer­ica is much bet­ter than the lead­er­ship we have in Wash­ing­ton. As someone who has served our na­tion­al as a nav­al of­ficer, I can tell you our pres­id­ent is weak on na­tion­al de­fense and has no real plan to fight IS­IS. … As a pas­sion­ate con­ser­vat­ive, I can tell you with cer­tainty that this pres­id­ent doesn’t share our Louisi­ana val­ues.”

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